
Jul 12, 2010

takut + menggelabah = ??????

next month da trial...
ape ak nk wt neyh ????
preparation x complete lg.....
arghhh !!!!!!!!!
mak, ayah, jgn mrh kalo result lya teruk......
i'm trying to changed now.....
n from now on, i will alwayz make all of u be proud on me !!!!!!
i will try my best.....
ok ?????
to all my friendz n my 'b'........
tlg ak bley ????
tlg jd pembakar semangat ak tok success.....
ak nk jd cm kowang yg men2 pun result tetp gempak hbz....
doakan yg terbaik utk ak ye ?????
kowang syg ak kn ??????
hehehehehehehe :p
luf u sooomuch !!!!!!! :)
p/s : YA ALLAH, KAU buka lah aty ku ini....aty ku ini tertutup ketat ibarat di simen...